Bay Path student-athletes provide  needed support at local Enfield Loaves & Fishes Shelter

Bay Path student-athletes provide needed support at local Enfield Loaves & Fishes Shelter

Over the weekend of November 19 & 20 Bay Path University atheltic teams were called into action for two days of community service.  The dozen student-athletes representing not only their teams but SAAC, (Student Athlete Advisory Council) teamed together to help out with various jobs at the local Enfield Loaves & Fishes program.  

Student-athletes were given an orientation by the staff and what the mission and purpose of the organization.  Duties included; unpacking, sorting and storing breads, rolls, cookies and canned foods in the proper areas for the Shelter staff to access.  

Hands and backs may have been tired but the rewards and satisfaction each student-athlete received by making a contribution will be remembered for a long time.

The staff was extremely grateful and happy that we were able to help with these everyday tasks and in some cases get jobs done in hours that would have taken days to a finish. it was 4 hours of work but with a twist of fun, the stories shared by everyone that day made us feel a sense of thankfulness. The SAAC is looking forward to other opportunities like this and will be encouraging other student-athletes to think about their own service.