Women's Soccer Announces 2012 Captains

Women's Soccer Announces 2012 Captains

Wildcats Women's Soccer announces the appointment of sophomore Sam Bujak and sophomore Melina Isdith as the fall 2012 Captains.

Bujak and Isdith have been starters on the team the past two seasons and have played a combined total of 4,223 minutes on the field. Both primarily play roles on the defensive end, with Isdith recording a few minutes in the net. Despite their defensive natures, Bujak managed to tally 1 goal and 1 assist in 2011, while Isdith scored 1 goal in 2010.

"I am looking for these two women to step up and play a huge role in helping me turn this program around. Their character on and off the field is what has impressed me the most," states Head Coach Chapman about his players. "As sophomores this past season, I was happy to see them step out as leaders on their own and begin to bring the team together. Although we are a young team, I know both Melina and Sam will help mold the type of program that finds strength as a family and is thirsty to win."